
Welcome to my Blog

pramod pramod Follow Jan 21, 2019 · 1 min read
Welcome to my Blog
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Welcome to my Blog. I will be sharing tech posts related to Cloud computing, AI and competent programming.

My interests include Yoga, Online Gaming especially Dota, travelling and Hiking. A recent geeky hobby of me is to fly Drones.

I am a Software Engineer at vmware working on modern application and service mesh platforms. I am an active upstream contributor of Istio, envoy and Kubernetes. I had previously worked at Intel’s cloud Division with focus on OpenStack, OpenDaylight and OpenvSwitch. Prior to that I was a Oracle Developer and Adminsitrator at Capgemini. The core area of my interest and Passion is in Networking, Distributed Systems and recently Artificial intelligence.

There is not a moment I would design a software without thinking about resiliency, network unavailability and data accessibility. I have a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from San Jose State University with area of interest in Software Defined Networking.

Check out my github-repo for projects that I am actively contributing to. For questions/queries ping me on any blog post

Written by pramod Follow
Software Engineer